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Remote Desktop for Linux phones running postmarketOS using Wayland Protocol

Categories   Smartphone Linux Phone
Tags   Linux PostmarketOS
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When we want to use desktop mode, we would need to setup a remote desktop. Because usb ports will not working on Android phones running postmarketOS.

The VNC server would be an easy solution, however what if the Linux mobile distro uses Wayland protocol instead of X11? It will be hard for remote accessing. Fortunately there are still some workarounds.


For GNOME desktop, there is a feature named “Desktop sharing”. Turn it on in System settings → Sharing → Desktop sharing. After that, open Remmina client or RealVNC Viewer on your desktop, input IP of the phone and connect to it.

Phosh, Plasma Mobile, Sway

There “WayVNC” is the Wayland implementation of vnc server. The biggest disadvantage of WayVNC is that it will make the phone huge lag and there is no way to adjust resolutions.

  1. Install wayvnc:
sudo apk add wayvnc
  1. Enable these options at `/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
AllowTcpForwarding yes
X11Forwarding yes
  1. Restart sshd services:
sudo rc-service sshd restart
  1. Start WayVNC. Press Ctrl + C to stop.
wayvnc localhost 5901
  1. On your desktop, start a SSH connection to the phone:
ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 [email protected]
  1. Open Remmina client, connect to the VNC server:


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